Wild bouquet
All locally grown blooms hand tied in a bouquet. Ready to be displayed in a vase.
✦ Sunrise: Our tiny wrap designed using special variety of colors perfect for the everyday love gesture
✦ Embrace: A bountiful design on a wrap embracing the variety of seasonal blooms
✦ Lush: An extravagant wrap design of our most unique blooms
Purchasing details:
Pre-orders must be made with at least one day in advance and make a note during checkout confirming your pick up date.
Pick up locations:
✦Inecui’s Flower Shop
During our opening hours
Wed-Th 10am to 5pm
Fri-Sun 9am to 5pm
Location: 3104 Euclid Ave, San Diego, CA92105
*prices include tax
All locally grown blooms hand tied in a bouquet. Ready to be displayed in a vase.
✦ Sunrise: Our tiny wrap designed using special variety of colors perfect for the everyday love gesture
✦ Embrace: A bountiful design on a wrap embracing the variety of seasonal blooms
✦ Lush: An extravagant wrap design of our most unique blooms
Purchasing details:
Pre-orders must be made with at least one day in advance and make a note during checkout confirming your pick up date.
Pick up locations:
✦Inecui’s Flower Shop
During our opening hours
Wed-Th 10am to 5pm
Fri-Sun 9am to 5pm
Location: 3104 Euclid Ave, San Diego, CA92105
*prices include tax
All locally grown blooms hand tied in a bouquet. Ready to be displayed in a vase.
✦ Sunrise: Our tiny wrap designed using special variety of colors perfect for the everyday love gesture
✦ Embrace: A bountiful design on a wrap embracing the variety of seasonal blooms
✦ Lush: An extravagant wrap design of our most unique blooms
Purchasing details:
Pre-orders must be made with at least one day in advance and make a note during checkout confirming your pick up date.
Pick up locations:
✦Inecui’s Flower Shop
During our opening hours
Wed-Th 10am to 5pm
Fri-Sun 9am to 5pm
Location: 3104 Euclid Ave, San Diego, CA92105
*prices include tax